Why Facebook Account Suspend and Disabled - W2


 In most Facebook were Suspended Account for Unauthorized log in attempts, in case completely disabled account because Facebook team believe violated their 
terms and service  

They believe people comes to Facebook for entertainment and know as some important information for this if any one share accidental image may be accident any user

that's why ensure the user privacy and policy

We Focus some great reason for Facebook account suspend and Disabled below

Content policy

Facebook always respect the user privacy and ensure the legal content for this you cannot published accident photo, Killing photo, Murder phot

Also Restructured some Critical word as Murder, suicide, killing etc word

overall you can't mention crime related word in your profile, page or group

Illegal and threating Work

Post Facebook By illegal content on the personal profile or page that will not agree with Facebook statement of right and responsibilites. another 

hands if any one have been certen crimes or convicted as included Registered sex offender than you cannot create facebook account if you create new one it will be suspended

Fake or Misused profile

You cannot create One more personal profile page by using the same name or fake name you may realize some one people use multiple profile page but

why they aren't suspended because facebook isn't caught them when caught they will be suspended

You cannot sealing any goods by using personal profile page if any one try sell product they will be terminated

Facebook specially provide fan page for sell and online business and you can create multiple page for your business

Related post - Facebook important privacy setting

Facebook Community standards 

Any one can't create profile without Facebook community standard policy such as if you are Germany people you can't create profile for united states

by using USA people name and Adding friend only USA

That's why you need to create the profile for your country where people your familiar

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